Category | Normal Delivery |
Usually the doctor will rotate the baby's head a quarter of a turn to be in alignment with the baby's body, which is still inside you. You'll then be asked to begin pushing again to deliver the shoulders. The top shoulder comes first and then the lower shoulder. Then, with one last push, you deliver your baby!
Yes, childbirth is painful. But it's manageable. In fact, nearly half of first-time moms (46 percent) said the pain they experienced with their first child was better than they expected, according to a nationwide survey commissioned by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) in honor of Mother's Day.
Dr. Megha Tiwari urges her patients not to have a caesarean section simply because they are terrified of labour pains; they should only have one if there is a medical basis for it. She even told her patients ahead of time that they might have to have a caesarean section if an unforeseen circumstance or medical condition arose.